Year: 2024
Service(s): Script Strategy, Film & Edit

Drops House is fed up with the e-Commerce businesses failing to get buzz around their product drops

Drops is more than just a software company,
it’s an innovated way of going viral by using gamified marketing to boost audience engagment

By having giveaways that include actions for the audience to do such as engaging with your post, creating UGC content about your products and ect.


Adam from Drops House came to me needing videos to grow his company's social media

The content had to explain the benefits and functions of his service, that'll target to his ideal customer


The image above is a snippet of the structured script I wrote, after studying patterns from successful videos about marketing, I broke down the Hook in two parts, the Body in three parts and the Call To Action in one.

The Hook:

  • Clarify topic of the video, by starting off with clearly explaining what the video is about
  • Target audience reliable message, such as a pleasure or pain point
The Body:
  • Back up claim, by painting a picture in the audience's mind of what it'll be like if their problems are solved
  • Explain the process, by breaking down how the company's service plans on solving the problem
  • Case study, by sharing results from past projects to build reassurance


  • Call To Action, explain to the audience how they can move forward if interested by encouraging them to do an action like go to website, buy product or ect.


Instead of putting all the eggs in one basket with only one piece of content and hoping it'll go viral...I created a method called bulk editing.

From just a few hours, we film five topic concepts, in three different styles and cut up enough content to last him for about a month.


  • Fast paced, high energy, special effects and funny / shocking elements. For broad audience


  • Storytelling about interesting scenarios of businesses using the Drops House marketing method. For nurturing relationship of current audience


  • Sharing valuable knowledge that can benefit the audience and info that's based around the Drops House method. For hard selling to ideal customer